Current position

Mandatory Requirements For A Dependent Tax Deduction


Mandatory Requirements For Claiming A Dependent On Tax Return

The National Tax Agency mandates those who want to claim someone living outside Japan as their dependents for a tax deduction to submit proof of family relationship and remittance in writing.

  • If a claimant for a dependent tax deduction already provided proof of family relationship and remittance to an employer, there is no need to do so during the annual tax return season. 
  • If any documents you have prepared to claim a dependent tax deduction are written in a foreign language, you are required to translate each into Japanese.  


Proof of Family Relationship

Acceptable proof of family relationship is a birth certificate or marriage contract issued by a foreign government.


Proof of Remittance

Either “1” or “2” specified as follows is accepted as proof of remittance upon claiming someone living outside Japan as your dependent for a tax deduction.

  1. A copy of application for international remittance approved by a financial institution or other official documents issued by a financial institution certifying that you applied for remittance to a beneficiary you want to claim as your dependent.

  2. A full statement for a so-called Kazoku card issued by a credit card company. 


企画振興部 人権政策課 多文化共生係

