Current position

Health Check-up


Public Medical Examination Conducted by the City

Body measurements (height, weight, BMI), chest circumference, blood pressure, urinalysis, internal medicine, blood test

*Echocardiography, Ophthalmoscopy (a test to see inside the back of the eye) available for 40 to 74 year olds on a few conditions.

*Anemia testing available only for people under 74 who have been told to be tested for anemia by a physician.

*Hepatitis Screening available only for people under 40 who have yet to undergo hepatitis screening.

Medical Examination

People Aged 19 – 39

Does your school/workplace offer you a health check-up?

Yes: Please get a health check-up at your school/workplace.

No: Please get a health check-up offered by the city.

*A health check-up is offered for a fee.  

*For further info, please contact the Health Promotion Division, visit the Hikone City website, or read Hikone’s community newsletter.

People Aged 40 – 74

Which health insurance are you covered by?

National Health Insurance

→Get a health check-up offered by the city.  (free of charge)

    Inquiry: Health Insurance and Pension Division

Other Health Insurance Plans

→Get a health check-up offered by your health insurance provider.

Those living on the Livelihood Protection

→Get a health check-up offered by the city.  (free of charge)

    Inquiry: Health Promotion Division

   *For more info, please visit the Hikone City website or read Hikone’s community newsletter.

People Aged Over 75

Please get a health check-up for the elderly (free of charge).

Inquiry: Health Insurance and Pension Division

*To targeted age groups, the city will mail a health check-up ticket around May.

*A reservation is needed.

*A health check for people who fall under this age group is offered at a medical facility.  

*Please contact the Insurance and Pension Division if deemed difficult to get a health check-up at a medical facility.

If one of the following conditions applies to you, you may be able to get a health check-up free of charge.

*For further details, please contact the Health Promotion Division.

  1. Households exempt from prefectural and municipal inhabitant tax. (Untaxed persons)
  2. Persons living on the Seikatsu Hogo (Livelihood Protection Law).
  3. Persons with disabilities aged 65 and older who are covered by the Kouki Koureishya Healthcare System.
  4. Persons who have received tickets for cancer screening, hepatitis screening, etc. by the end of May.
  5. Persons over 70 and older on the day of the health check-up.


Inquiries in Japanese:Health Promotion Division 0749-24-0816
Inquiries in Portuguese, English and Chinese (Tue & Fri):Human Rights Policy Division 0749-30-6113