Preparing for disasters
Disaster prevention manual
The Hikone city provides its residents with a disaster prevention manual (available in Portuguese, English, Chinese and Vietnamese as well as Japanese) which contains information of evacuation shelters located across the city, and so on and so forth. If you wish to get the “Hikone Disaster Prevention Manual” in one of the said foreign languages, please feel free to contact the Human Rights Policy Division. The disaster manual is downloadable from the official website of Hikone City, too.
Hikone Disaster Prevention Manual(彦根市民防災マニュアル)
Home Pack Emergency Kit (a bag pack you take when evacuating during a disaster)
Items of an emergency bag vary from family to family. Please talk about what to put inside the emergency bag pack(s) with your family. After putting items into each backpack, place it where anyone can grab it on the way out when a disaster hits your area. Be sure that your valuables(Passport, Residence Card (Zairyu card), Health Insurance card, bankbook)will not be stolen from a backpack. For your information, a list of emergency kit items is shown in page 42 of this living guidebook.
You can get emergency foods and various evacuation/survival tools at local DIY stores. Since every food has its expiration date, please do not leave the emergency food inside the bag for good, but regularly replace them with new ones.
List of Recommended Items for Emergency Kits (PDFファイル: 246.1KB)
Emergency Card
As for an emergency card, please see the very last page of this guidebook. Make sure to have the emergency card with you by folding and keeping it inside a backpack, wallet or purse, for example.