You can call an emergency number on your mobile phone or from a telephone box. Please compose yourself first and try to talk to a person clear and loud. If you call from landline or a phone box, your call will be automatically put through to the nearest emergency center from your current location. When you use your mobile phone, be sure to turn on GPS.
Police Telephone Number: 110 (Toll Free:24/7 Availability)
110 is a telephone number for an emergency that requires immediate assistance from the police, such as a car accident, a crime (theft, a violent crime, etc.), and so on.
【Available Languages Include:】 English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese,
How to Call Police
<How to Report an Emergency to Police>
- Explain what has happened in as much detail as possible
- Tell a location by saying landmarks, etc.
- Your full name
I speak English. |
Watashiwa Eigo Wo Hanashimasu. |
I’m reporting a traffic accident. |
Koutsu Jiko Desu. |
I’m reporting a crime. The location is ・・・. |
Jiken Desu. Basho Wa・・・Desu. |
My address is ・・・. |
Watashi No Jusho Wa・・・Desu. |
My name is ・・・. |
Watashi No Namae Wa・・・Desu. |
My phone number is ・・・. |
Wastashi No Denwa Bangou Wa・・・ Desu. |
If You Cause, Are Involved In Or Witness A Road Accident:
・If there is someone else at the site of an accident, please make notes of his/her name, address and contact number, and check his/her driver’s license, car number plate and so on.
To File A Police Report
General Counseling Desk, Shiga Police Headquarters
Business Hours:Mon – Fri, 8:30 – 16:30
Tel: #9110
Contact Number for an Ambulance and Fire Engine:Tel 119 (Toll Free:24/7 Availability)
If you do not speak Japanese, an emergency dispatcher will use the over-the-phone interpreting system which is available 24/7. Please bear in mind that it may take a moment for an emergency dispatcher to get you connected with a language interpreter on the line. For more info, please scan the QR code below.
【Available Languages Include:】 English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Tagalog, Nepali, German, French, Italian, Russian, Malaysian, Burmese, Khmer, Mongolian
119 is Now Available in Multiple-Languages.
Medical Emergency:Please call an ambulance when you get seriously injured or have a medical emergency.
<How to Call an Ambulance>
- First, tell that you need an “ ambulance.” (119 is also an emergency number for a fire brigade.)
- Explain what has happened in as much detail as possible
- Tell a location by saying landmarks, etc.
- Your full name
I need an ambulance. |
My address is ・・・ |
My name is・・・ |
My phone number is・・・ |
You will not be charged to call an ambulance, but you cannot use an ambulance for minor injuries or illness. Before an ambulance arrives, please prepare your medical insurance, money and prescription drugs you always take, and get ready to be transferred to hospital. If you have a family doctor or prescription drugs, please describe them to emergency medical technicians.
Fires:When you see something on fire, call a fire engine immediately.
<How to Call a Fire Brigade>
- First, tell that you need an “ fire brigade.” (119 is also an emergency number for an ambulance.)
- Explain what has happened in as much detail as possible
- Tell a location by saying landmarks, etc.
- Your full name
There is a fire.The location is ・・・ |
My address is ・・・ |
My name is・・・ |
My phone number is・・・ |
Emergency Card (A card that offers info about you in case of emergency.)
Make sure to have your emergency card with you by folding and keeping it inside a backpack, wallet or purse, for example.